3M industrial tape distributor
- Adhesive tape and glue distributor for industry
- Authorised 3M convertor
- Technical expertise about these products
- Large volume of stock
- Delivery all over France and internationally
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3M adhesive tape and glue in the world (on 31/12/2014)
- Turnover : 31.8 billion dollars (63 % internationally)
- A presence in more than 70 countries
- R&D centres in 36 countries
- Products marketed in 200 countries
- 89,800 employees
3M in France (on 31/12/2014)
- Turnover : 1.1 billion Euros
- France represents about 20% of the turnover earned in Europe by 3M
- 2,800 employees
- Presence in France since 1952
- Headquarters : Cergy (Val d'Oise - 95)
- Distribution centre : Saint-Ouen l'Aumône (Val d'Oise - 95)
- 13 factories, many of which integrate R&D departments and customer technical support