Threebond TB3001C - UV cure adhesive for glass and metal

  • Application: Final assembly
  • Durable and chemical resistant
  • UV and visible light curing
  • Strong adhesion
  • 250 g or 1 kg



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      Characteristics of Threebond TB3001C UV cure adhesive

The TB 3001C is a UV glue developed by Krylex, which has the ability to cure under UV and visible light. However, even if the polymerization is possible under natural light, it is recommended to use a UV lamp in order to perfectly control the hardening of the glue.

TB3001 C is ideal for glass-to-glass and glass-to-metal bonding. It presents an excellent durability and resistance to chemical products such as oils, solvents...

The adhesion of the glue is strong and allows to create aesthetically perfect assemblies due to the transparency of the adhesive. Final bonds are very resistant mechanically.

Main features:

  • Single-component, solvent-free adhesive
  • Assembly and sealing of electrical and electronic components
  • Excellent chemical and mechanical resistance
  • Excellent electrical insulation
  • Flexible and elastic bonding
  • Low outgassing: no VOC emissions
  • Cures even if parts are protected by a UV filter
  • Easy to apply with manual or automatic dispensing systems
  • Deep curing

Protection tools such as UV lamp, protective goggles, etc. are necessary for the use of this light cure adhesive.

      How to apply a UV light curing adhesive ?

      Technical data of the Threebond TB3001C UV light glue

Safety data sheet is available upon request.

Technical information  
Color Transparent
Capacity 250 g or 1 kg
Chemical Acrylic
Viscosity 50 mPa.s

UV and visible light

200 to 440 nm

Shore hardness 30A
Elongation 250%
Tensile strength 1,8 Mpa
Shear strength 3,2 Mpa