Double-sided polypropylene tape
- Versatile and economical
- Good mechanical resistance
- High tack to PP and PE
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Product description
Polypropylene adhesive rolls are particularly suited and used for laying and fixing carpet in fairs, exhibitions and trade shows. Their polypropylene backing material gives your assembly mechanical resistance. Double-sided PP is also used for envelope flaps in the form of an adhesive tape spool.
Some tips for choosing your double-sided PP tape ?
- For laying carpet on delicate surfaces, use our special exhibition adhesive that has one side that can be removed without leaving adhesive residue.
- For applications on flexible materials, choose high elongation to avoid putting stress on the surface.
- If you work in a workshop where the temperature is low, the PP with solvent-coated adhesive is preferable.
Some applications for double-sided polypro
- Fixing wood or PE cable covers
- Installing displays or clear signage
- Fixing carpet for a trade show
Some examples of our references of double-sided PP
Secure fixation even on PP, PE and rough surfaces. Good temperature resistance. Good tack

Differentiated adhesive. Economical product. Hand tearable